Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dogs Shot By Police

Dogs Shot By Police is now a page on Facebook. There are currently more than 2000 people following the stories of how those in law enforcement, whom we're supposed to put our trust in, are killing our dogs.

During the coming months, I intend to address this problem on a national level. Meaning I'll be covering news stories of dogs shot by police. My goal is to educate both police officers as well as the general public.

The average dog owner may think this topic doesn't apply to them. If you're a law abiding citizen, surely a police officer can't just come onto your private property and shoot your dog! I'm here to tell you they can, they do, and it's happening every day in cities across America. Almost every case I've examined involves a wrong address or a situation where the property owner isn't involved at all. Except at the end of the day, their beloved companion has been shot and killed by police.

Police department personnel are standing behind these officers who are murdering these innocent dogs. I can't say that I blame them from a legal standpoint. To admit a mistake was made would open the door for a lawsuit. Many dog owner's whose dogs have been innocently murdered are now seeking legal advice. If their dog had been killed by a "civilian" there would be repercussions. The shooter would face charges, a fine and perhaps even jail time. Police are above the law where these cases are concerned.

Another disturbing factor is witnesses and dog owners are showing these dogs are not "attacking," yet the officers involved aren't facing any disciplinary action by their respective police departments. Even with evidence to back up the fact these dogs didn't do anything wrong, nothing is being done to show officers this isn't acceptable behavior. 

When I published my first article a few months back titled Dog Owners Beware: Police Officers Are Killing Family Dogs, I never dreamed the problem was as great as it is. Now, as I see it, the problem is growing.
I hope dog owners will use the new Facebook page as a gathering place to report these stories, as well as any legal action that stems from them. Someone somewhere must find an attorney willing to find justice for these dogs. Only through the court system can a standard be set to try future cases.

I'd like to add I don't have anything personally against police officers. The majority are kind, caring people who do their duty and protect us. I'm doing this article to protect them as well as to protect the canine population. Because I believe someone will eventually snap emotionally from seeing their dog gunned down and attack the officer responsible. I'm a bit surprised it hasn't happened already. It's a natural instinct to protect your children. For many dog owners, their dog IS their child.

I personally have a boxer mix. My Dreyfuss is large dog who is well trained and wouldn't hurt anyone unless they wanted to hurt me. He chose me as his mom when he was a puppy. I met with his owner, who had the pups in the back of an old pickup truck. I silently walked around the truck several times to see what would happen. Dreyfuss was the only pup to follow me. He's been following me 12 years now. I'm not timid in saying I'd go a bit insane should anything of this sort happen to him.

I urge dog owners everywhere to begin following my articles. See how large the problem has become and use caution when your dog is outside. History now shows that being on private property doesn't mean your dog is safe.

Feel free to leave comments. Share these articles with friends. Examiner is a prestigious publication where theses articles can empower. I feel it's the perfect online site to bring this problem to the attention of our nation. Because that's what it's going to take to stop this.

Police officers need better training on how to perceive dogs. The training now received doesn't appear to be effective. Dog owners need to be aware of this new danger. I hope every reader will feel free to discuss ideas on how we can all work together to keep our dogs safe.


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